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Dua To Get Noor On Face
Dua To Get Noor On Face or prophetic dua to get a fair complexion use for beautiful face. We also provide you dua e noor for marriage, if you have problems then just read this article and get solutions.
A good personality is a thing that attracts everybody in the first place. Furthermore, a pleasing personality with a charming face is an add on. Generally, we all wish for such kind of nature. In this material world, all that matters is your first looks.
Dua To Get Noor On Face
Furthermore, people judge you in the context of your personality. In this regards, your facial complexion holds a key. Noor (Glow) on your face can charm anybody towards you. This acts as a shining element of your personality.
For both boys and girls, the Noor on the face has a special significance. Especially for girls, the element of Noor is a part of her beauty. Furthermore, match finding and marriage become a smooth task.
On the other hand, girls too love to pick a boy with Noor on the face. The Noor on boy’s face enhances his personality. However, what if you lack noor on your face? What if your complexion is dark? Things can become challenging for you.
Furthermore, you start to feel the pressure. The pressure of rejection and negative comments starts building up. There is a feeling in you that you don’t have worth. A sense of sinking prevails in your mind.
This is the time when you need to take the refuge of Almighty. By the grace of God, you can change the situation. Dua to get Noor on the face in that regards is your direct connection to God.
Performing Dua to get Noor on the face can bring that charm to your personality. The grace of God would shower on you soon.
Prophetic Dua To Get A Fair Complexion
Fair complexion has been seen as the standard of beauty. It has become the criteria for beauty in the first place. Be it a male or female fair complexion is something that everybody chases.
Furthermore, the notion of the fair is beautiful has been seen prevailing. Generally, one expects fairness of the skin as beauty. In this case, those with colored and dark complexion are seen affected. They are made to feel down.
This affects the person badly. For someone with a dark complexion, things get tough. Furthermore, psychological and societal pressure adds to make it worse. At this time, you need to calm yourself down.
There is a need to let the feeling go down. Immediately you can’t get anything. However, in due course of time, you can see results. For that, you need Prophetic dua to get a fair complexion. This is a holy and pious method that can bring you results.
The process to perform Prophetic dua to get a fair complexion is as follows:
- Perform a fresh wudu in the first place
- To begin with recite Surah Adad
- Recite this for a total of three times
- Afterward, recite Surah Aal-e-Imran ki Ayat
- Make a total of 107 recitations
- In the meanwhile pray to Allah for fair complexion
- Regularly perform the wazifa without a miss
- Also, urge the Almighty for help
Soon you would witness the grace of God. Blessing of Allah would shower you. You would get all that you need.
Dua E Noor For Marriage
Marriage becomes the buzz word as you step into the youthful stage. Generally, parents are seen concerned to get their child married at the right age. Especially in the case of a girl child, the tendency is to marry her soon.
Furthermore, you as an individual to have some aspirations. To marry the boy/girl of your dream is a natural wish. Generally, the thought of love marriage is also seen blossoming.
There is a general preference among youths to opt for love marriage. However, many choices for an arranged marriage. In love, marriage challenges keep coming. Generally, these challenges come in the face of:
- Societal pressure
- Caste difference
- Economic difference
- Parents not willing
On the other hand, arrange marriage has its own set of problems. Many a time, the proposal is seen rejected. Furthermore, you didn’t get the right match out of the available option. Breaking away from things at the last moment is another major issue in this case.
To drive away all these issues elsewhere, a single comprehensive solution is needed. A holistic solution for all marriage problems is required. Dua e Noor for marriage is that solution.
The process to perform Dua e Noor for marriage is as follows:
- In the first place perform wudu
- To begin the process sit in a silent place
- Next up recite:
“yaa noora kulli
shay-in wa hudaahu
antallad’ee falaqaz’
z’ulumaati binooruhoo”
- Recite this for a total of 101 times
- Afterward, pray to Allah for marriage
- Regularly perform this for a total of 40 days
Dua E Noor For A Beautiful Face
A beautiful face is something you wish for in the first place. The look is the first thing that attracts the viewer’s attention. Furthermore, the differentiation of identity and personality is highlighted by the face.
If you are a girl, then the importance of a beautiful face is something you know better. A girl with a beautiful face is the center of attraction. Be it marriage proposals or love born relation a girl with beautiful face takes the lead.
On the other hand, boys too love to have a beautiful face. Similarly to a sexy face girl, a beautiful face boy is the first choice. The opposite sex naturally feels an attraction towards him. He becomes the go-to man for ladies.
Well, all of us irrespective of age and sex want a beautiful face. Generally, there is nothing wrong with such a wish. Everybody has the right to look beautiful. However, to get your wish fulfilled you to pull out some efforts.
These efforts can come in the form of Dua e Noor for a beautiful face. Dua e Noor for an elegant look is a holy and pious solution. Performing Dua e Noor for beautiful face can soon fulfill your wish.
The process to perform Dua e Noor for a beautiful face is as follows:
- Prepare a fresh wudu in the first place
- To begin with, perform daily routine of Namaz
- Next, recite Dua e, Noor:
“Bismilahi nori Bismilahi nori
Bismilahi nori al-nori
Bismilahiladi how mudabirl
amoori Bismilahiladhi khalqan
noor minan noori Alhamdu-liladhi
khalaqn noor min noori waanzala-noor
alltoori, wal baytil maamori walsakfil
marfohi fil kitabin mastoorin fi
rikin-manshoorin bikadarin maqdorin
aal nabien mahborin Alahmdulilah-hiladhi
howa bilezi madkorun wa-bilfakhrin
mashorun waala-saraaei waala-dahraari
mashkroon wasalalahu ala sayyedina Muhammadin
- Regularly recite this
God would soon bless you with the desired beautiful face.