Dua For Wanting To Meet Someone or to meet someone you love can be use to meet someone again. Our Quranic expert will provide you dua to see someone in dream to meet someone.
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The yearning to meet someone you love or someone whom you have lost forever can be a strong one. There is a lot of power in the dua to meet someone you love. You only need to have faith in this power. Many people have tried the power of duas.
Dua For Wanting To Meet Someone
Surely dua is the easiest way to let the mighty know what you desire. It is a way to pray and tell Him that you need his help. Most importantly perform the dua earnestly because that will help you can achieve your goal, use our Dua For Wanting To Meet Someone.
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Dua To Meet Someone You Love
Dua To Meet Someone You Love, when someone dear to you walks away from your life, then it can be a painful experience. But you can meet that special someone with the help of dua to meet someone you love.
First you will need the picture of the person whom you love. You must keep this picture in front of you. Now you have to narrate Surah Al Qari’ah. You have to describe this dua seven times. Next blow on the picture 3 times.
There is one more method which can give you results — this method you have to practice on the 1st Thursday of New moon. Before you go to sleep you must have bath and wash all your clothes. You have to narrate the Durood Sharif 11 times in the beginning and at the ending of Wazifa.
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Here is one more method to meet someone you love. For this, you have to search for a clean place. In this place at night you have to narrate “yasayiddallkareemeeyabhirumatee bismillah e Rehman e Rahim.” Follow this practice for three consecutive days to get the desired results.
Dua To Meet Someone Again
Dua To Meet Someone Again, If you think that all your happiness depends on meeting someone again, then there is a dua for the same. Always remember that you have to narrate the dua to meet someone again in a particular way. You have to say the dua during bedtime.
When you are practicing the dua you have to sleep alone. You have to narrate the duaIlhmRuksaarNigham e Noor Urhoom Durood UlhamAfseemIsmil 51 times. Furthermore you have to do this for 13 continue days to get the desired results.
There is one more dua to meet someone you love. This is Hasbunallahuuwaa La namalwakel; Qwata Illa Baillahilwa Naseer”. Before you say this dua and at the end of the dua, you have to narrate the Durood Shareef 11 times. You have to say this dua in the morning and the night after namaz.
You also need to say the following things every day along with the dua to meet someone you love
- Allaahu Akbar 93 times every day;
- Alhamdulillah 74 times every day:
- SubhanAllah 71 times every day;
- LaaIlahaIllallah 93 times every day
There is another dua to meet someone you love. You have to say this dua after the morning and night namaz. In this case, also you have to narrate the Durood Shareef 11 times before starting the dua and at the end of the dua. You have to repeat this dua 111 times to get the desired results.
The dua is as follows:
AllahoKaafi Al Kaafi Al KaafiWa KassadHol Kaafii WaJaddahuull Kaafi Be KaafiYal KaafiWa KafaNiyal Kaafi WaNi’mal KaafiWa Lillahil Hamdoo.
You can also try narrating one more dua to meet someone you love. Before telling the dua he has to cleanse himself. Then he has to perform the night namaz.
After that you should narrate the below-mentioned dua. Most importantly remember that you have to narrate this dua 100 times. Make sure that You have to follow this procedure continuously for 41 days.
Sallallahu ‘Ala Mu’hammadSallALLAHUAlayheWasallam
There are some more duas that are effective if you want to meet that someone special again. These are as follows:
LaqaadJaa Akum Rasulam Min AnfushikamAzeezun
Alayhi Alaykum Bilmoomininaa Ra-oofur Raheem
We are giving you one more remedy to meet that person you love again. This dua has to be narrated when you are in a good mood. A happy soul is an essential thing while narrating this dua. This dua has to be told 71 times every day. The dua is as follows.
UlhmaArhamDinaaraUlfatUrhma DarnamDuraaodIkhitaarIshimlahaVilham
Dua To See Someone In Dream
Dua To See Someone In Dream, We will have to face incidents when we may lose our loved ones forever. Most of us want to connect with them. We want to see them in our dreams. For this, you must try dua to see someone in dream.
Check Al-Mesbah of Kaf’ami if you are looking for dua to meet someone you love who is no more with you. You have to ensure that you narrate the suras correctly only then you will be able to achieve the objective of seeing loved ones in your dream.
First, one needs to narrate the suraA’uzu (qula’zu bi-rabbinnas and qula’uzu bi-rabbilfalaq) dua to meet someone you love. Next one has to narrate SuraIkhlas (Al-Tawhid). You have to narrate this sura 100 times. After this you have to say Salawat.
This, too you have to say 100 times. After this the person has to go to bed. He must sleep on his right side. He needs to be in the state of Wuzu. Make sure to follow the procedure correctly to see the person you love in your dreams.
The suras Al-Shams, LaylatulQadr, Al-Kafirun, Al-Ikhlas (Al-Tawhid), and Ma’uzatayn, are helpful dua to meet someone you love in your dream. You only have to make sure that you follow the correct steps.
The most important thing is that you must remember that you have to perform all the duas with a clear mind. You must have a positive frame of mind.
There is no place for evil things when you are narrating duas. The pronunciations have to be perfect. It is better to check the correct details from an expert.