Quranic Verses On Decision Making
Quranic Verses On Decision Making
Quranic Verses On Decision Making or dua to make right decision can be use to remove confusion. You can also use dua for quick decision for perfect result.
Decision making is a choice that determines our destiny. If you wholly or partially believe in Allah’s will, there will be some half pending decision which always whispers in your ears at all time. The work that you have done at the right time, this work should have better results.

Quranic Verses On Decision Making
If I had started earlier working hard for this examination, I would have achieved success in this exam. The different situation if I had not pushed my friend or any other person from my window or any bridge, he would be alive this time. Furthermore, the most important is when we do not listen to our parents their suggestion in any matter of life.
We regret whenever this work get vanished due to not take into consideration the suggestion of our parents. This creates confusion in our mind. As a result, we feel depressed; anxiety grabs our mind. We are not able to conquer this situation. Taking the right decision at the right time is essential for a person. Some decision makes life beautiful some create a lousy experience. Both are outcomes of our choice.
A person who firmly believes in Allah can pray Allah to help him in taking the right decision. There are several ayats in the Quran that will help a person to make the right and robust judgment in all matters. These are powerful verses from the Quran. But one must be thoroughly clean before reciting these verses of the Quran. Here are verses from the Quran on decision making;
“Faiza Azmat Fatawaql Alalalahi Inna
Allaha Yuhibu Mutawaqileen”
This is the best and beautiful Ayat kareema of the Quran which will help you in decision making
Dua To Make The Right Decision
Dua To Make The Right Decision, Taking the right decision at the right time is very difficult for a person. Mainly when there is an ethical dilemma in the situation. As a common man, we are always in a state of selection. We make decisions and believe that these are the perfect decisions of our life.
Furthermore, we believe that we cannot do better than this. It is our strength to take this type of choice in our life. We have no control over the outcome. As a result, we give the last call to our hard-worked decision and make ita final.
When our decision fails to give us the required results. We get shocked, and our whole life gets disturbed. Because we have not believed and expected such sad results will come from our examination, business, work, and our agriculture product business.
We have decided at the important point of time for our business, but it fails. So if you often get sad about your decision. Do not feel annoyed or depressed. We have brought a dua for you that will help you to make your decisions and will give you positive results. Here is dua;
- First of all, do a fresh wadu, and you should also be a regular person in five Nimaz’s in a day.
- Recite this dua;
“Allah humma La Sahl Illa ma jaaltuhu Sahla,
Waanta Tajalu lhzn izza shant shala.”
Keep reciting this dua in your prayers, and the result will come soon.
Dua To Remove Confusion
Dua To Remove Confusion, Sometimes, we make a decision, and we as are surrounded by confusion about which decision we take, for example, if we are doing business. Our client has given us a project at one price and at the same time another client come and given us a project where we can get more profit.
We get confused about which project we can take. The plan of the first client will provide us with a small benefit, but he is our regular client, and we have a bond with this client for a long time.
However, the second client who will give us more profit is not stable with us. So we get confused about which project we can take. In these conditions, a strong belief in Allah is best for a person. Because Allah knows what is better for you. So you should pray to Allah to help you in taking right decisions.
Dua is the communication media to Allah. So if you are confused about your choice for your business. Here is dua for making the right decisions. This dua will help you in taking right decisions in such a situation;
“Rabbi Auuzbika Minn Hamzaaati Shaitan,
Wa Auuzbika Inni Yahziroon”
Recite dua in your prayers. Your confusion about your decision will get over. You will feel relaxed about your decision making.
Dua For Quick Decision
Dua For Quick Decision, Some persons are very quick in decision making some are not. Some decide in any situation, whether there are in any business sector or any other working sector. This is the quality of the right person who firmly believes in the uniqueness of Allah.
They have strong faith in Allah and do not get out from their limits. He treats every person with respect and dignity. Creating brotherhood in people is their quality. Also, they give the lessons of sacrifice which our Prophets have given for Islam.
They want to create a world which is full of happiness, peace, and prosperity. Moreover, They remove hatred between two brothers, between two neighbors and among relatives, friends, also. They are quick learners and understand everything in the first attempt.
However, on the hand, some people do not see their brother, friends, and relatives be happy and prosperous. He wants to create a barrier between friends, brothers, and relatives, respectively. These people want to break society and are jealous of another person’s success.
If a person gives quickly reply to your question. You have to understand that he is the right person whom you are talking for any of your problems. But despite the back that a quick person is also smart in his/her decision.
One should be aware that do not make decisions in a hurry sometimes your decision will lead to destroying your future. So if you are very poor in decision making. You give a decision after a long time or decide after a long time. Here is dua which will create fastness in your decision-making process;
- First of all, you should do a fresh wadu and make a new bath.
- Then recite this dua;
“Allah humma Khair li wakhatir li.”